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Early experience implementing long-acting injectable cabotegravir/rilpivirine for human immunodeficiency virus-1 treatment at a Ryan White-funded clinic in the US South.
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48-week viral suppression rates in people with HIV starting long-acting CAB/RPV with initial viremia.
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Downloadable Clinician Treatment Guide
Antiretroviral drugs for treatment and prevention of HIV in adults: 2024 recommendations of the International Antiviral Society-USA Panel.
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Updated treatment recommendation on use of cabotegravir and rilpivirine for people with HIV from the IAS-USA Guidelines Panel.
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Consensus recommendations for use of long-acting antiretroviral medications in the treatment and prevention of HIV-1: endorsed by the American Academy of HIV Medicine, American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Canadian HIV and Viral Hepatitis Pharmacists Network, European AIDS Clinical Society, and Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists: an executive summary.
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Guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in adults and adolescents living with HIV.
US Department of Health and Human Services
Clinical Guidelines Program: HIV Treatment
New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute
Clinician-to-Clinician Advice
National Clinician Consultation Center; University of California, San Francisco
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NAM Publications
Living with HIV
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institutes of Health

Overcoming Obstacles to LAI ART Implementation
A CME Obstacle Course™ Activity
Faculty: | Aadia Rana, MD, FIDSA |
Release: | 02/24/2025 |
Expiration: | 02/24/2026 |