Linked Resources

How Do I Use My Inhaler?

COPD Foundation – Educational Video Series

This library of educational videos includes “Inhaler Training Videos” that walk you step-by-step through the proper use and upkeep of your inhaler. Scroll through the list to find your particular therapy.

How Do I Know if I’m Having an Exacerbation?

COPD Foundation – Exacerbation Education

Information on how to identify the early warning signs of exacerbations, danger signs, causes, and ways to prevent them can be found here.

Cleveland Clinic – When to Call the Doctor About Your Symptoms

This list of symptoms helps you distinguish between nonemergent care (care that can be provided by your doctor) and emergent care (care that must be provided by your local emergency department).

How Do I Know if My COPD Is Getting Worse?

COPD Action Plan

An action plan helps you track any changes in your COPD symptoms or general well-being that are important to discuss with your doctor. It should be completed and discussed with your doctor at every follow-up visit and updated as needed.

What Should I Tell My Doctor During My Visit? – Patient Checklist

The more details you share with your doctor, the better he or she can help manage your symptoms and treat COPD. This checklist will help you have a more informed conversation with your doctor.

Live Better With Pulmonary Rehab – The Basics

Pulmonary rehabilitation programs can help reduce your shortness of breath, rebuild your strength, and improve your quality of life. Here you can find information on the benefits of pulmonary rehab, programs in your area, and how to get started.

How Can I Improve My Breathing at Home?

American Lung Association – Steps to Better Breathing Video

Breathing exercises can be especially helpful when you have COPD. This video tutorial provides examples of two types of breathing techniques. Before you try them, ask your doctor if they are right for you.

WebMD – Breathing Exercise Video

This video tutorial, led by a respiratory therapist, will walk you through some techniques that may help you breathe better. Before you try them, ask your doctor if they are right for you.

What if I Can’t Afford My Medication?

The Medicine Assistance Tool (MAT)

MAT is a free, online search engine dedicated to help you find eligible financial assistance resources across hundreds of public and private assistance programs.

Where Can I Find Additional Information on COPD?

The COPD Foundation Pocket Consultant Guide

This pocket guide has been designed as a free application that you can easily download onto your mobile device. It includes the latest information on COPD as well as educational and supportive resources that may help you better understand, prevent, and manage your COPD symptoms.